Inverclyde Market Update – April 2023

Bowman Rebecchi is delighted to share Inverclyde’s latest residential property market statistics for April 2023.

After a lot of positive movement in the month of March, April’s statistics are falling back down to normal levels – similar to the numbers seen in our February 2023 Update.

The housing market in Inverclyde saw 75 new listings in April, dropping from an impressive 102 in March.

64 sales were agreed in April across Inverclyde, down from 98 in March, possibly being impacted from a reduced number of new listings.

The decrease in new listings also impacted the number of available properties in April which dropped by 25.

The market showed signs of positive movement with the number of price reductions decreasing by 9.

Bowman Rebecchi shares monthly market insights, highlighting the latest movements for our clients and future customers.

For further information or support with selling your property, contact us.


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