What’s The Big Picture With House Prices In Inverclyde?

Zoopla, the leading residential property software, data, and insight company has released its insights into the local residential market.

Property prices in Inverclyde rose by just 1.4% over the past year, adding £1,400 to the typical home, according to our May 2024 House Price Index.

The area outperformed the UK average price, which has remained flat since May 2023.

The typical Inverclyde home is now worth £104,700, less than half the UK average house price of £264,900.

Over the past month, prices in Inverclyde have risen. And looking back over the last five years, the average property value has grown by 19.6%.

You can request an instant online valuation of your home through Bowman Rebecchi by clicking on the bottom left-hand corner.

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